Thursday, April 21, 2011

In Costa Rica

Recently, we accepted a new assignment from Nazarene Global Mission to join the Mesoamerica Region and work with NYI and Global Mission. We arrived in San Jose, Costa Rica, on March 1 and began Spanish language study the following Monday.

We have thoroughly enjoyed our time and our ministry in El Paso, Texas, these past four years. El Paso has become home to us, and God has been gracious to use us to touch people’s lives.
When we talked to our kids about this change in ministry, Allison, age 11, said, through tears, “I know this is what God has next for us.” Her words say for each of us that is difficult to say goodbye, but we are filled with anticipation and joy in continuing to serve God.

We will be working with NYI leaders and those called to serve as missionaries across the region, which includes the 23 countries of the Caribbean, Mexico, and the 6 countries of Central America. This will be a ministry among 4 major language groups and about 75,000 young people.

Please pray that we will be led clearly by God in this new assignment. As always with change, there are many adjustments. The new region is experiencing change as well, but God never changes! We continue to rely on Him!

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